Docker, Kafka, Mulesoft, Platform Events, IoT Cloud - All together!
UPDATE: By popular demand, I want to note before I begin that the solution described here is not necessarily the optimal for the scenario presented below. It is meant to be an example of how all these tools can coexist in case they're part of an enterprise landscape. Especially with Salesforce's acquisition of Mulesoft, this very well might end up being the case for some enterprises. Toward the bottom of the post, there's a section with a few bullet points on what the solution could look like (including serverless options, of course), but it's a long post and I can appreciate that not everyone will get there! The title says it all! In this post, I'll walk through an example of how Docker, Kafka, Mulesoft, Platform Events and IoT Cloud could work together, to create a really powerful landscape for companies with IoT use cases. I thought of writing this one because integration of different systems is one of my biggest interests (alongside DevOps). I find that st...